How To Find The Right Investors To Fund Your Startup

 We know that 90% of the startup ideas fail in the initial years. Only 10% of business start-ups transform into that dream business empire. To make your start-up a huge success, you need a product/service idea which is unique to your industry. You need a skilled team to create intuitive marketing strategies to build your brand identity. The most important aspect of making your start-up success is identifying how to get investors for a startup. You can consult the top digital marketing companies in India for getting a second opinion on your plan and strategies.

Before finding investors, you need a strong business model and a revenue model to back you up. Create aggressive marketing campaigns which strive for your business’ revolution. You can opt for crowdfunding or go towards the private investment market. If you are confused about having a digital platform for your brand, you can get in touch with a leading digital marketing company in Indore for professional assistance. 

Which stage are you at?

There are different stages at which your business can be right now. When you start looking for investors, you need to identify your business stage. Depending on that, you will have a set of investment opportunities to consider for your brand. But, you should look for multiple and diverse investor options for different stages. This will give you an investment option for every stage. Several startup businesses connect with reputed digital marketing agencies for consultation and web development services. 

The Idea Stage

This is the first step on the ladder. The entrepreneur is still making a proper plan for his/her idea. So, the fund is required to convert the idea into a business model. Funds at this stage are generally gathered by savings or taking a loan from friends and family. This allows the company to become flexible with the funds, while not worrying about the investor capital. You can opt for Bootstrapping where you are the investor. While this is a risky option, it does provide you liberty over your business since the money invested is yours.  This is one of the best solutions for how to get funding for a startup

The Pre-Seed Stage

This is when you have crossed the idea stage. Now, you need to understand how to start a startup with no money. But, you can find funds to market your product/service. You can work with your previous investment options like family or friends, or you can opt to explore new investors. This stage involves a lot of trial and error things. You are trying to identify which tactics would work the best for you. You can avail social media marketing services to grow your brand on various social media platforms.

You can get funds through Crowdfunding. Pitch your idea to people and they can invest if they like your idea. This may seem a low-impact option but several start-up businesses have collected millions. Another option is to apply for incubators. It is difficult to get accepted since there is a lot of competition. Also, it’s not a guarantee that you will receive funds. They offer the most help in the form of resources and knowledge. You can pitch to private investors like angel investors to raise a minimum amount for the lean startup.

Other Investment Opportunities

Following options are for stages like the Seed stage, Early-stage and Growth Stage. If you still have doubts, you can consult a prominent digital marketing company in Indore.

Revenue-Based Financing - If your business start-up has an ability to earn revenues at a scalable profit margin, you can get capital in exchange of sending a part of the profits to the investor.

Private Equity - If you are thinking hot to raise money for a startup, you can raise funds through a third-party shareholder like universities, hospitals, charities or insurance companies. But, this is a risky option since the 100% ownership of the profits is transferred to the investors.  

Bank Loans - You can be eligible for bank loans if you are able to secure terms with the bank. You may have to sign a personal guarantee for the loan of the lean startup.

Seek Expert Guidance!

Hype Digitally is one of the leading digital marketing agencies in Indore. With an expert team of digital marketers, we focus on helping brands grow and expand. We help start-ups to create the right marketing campaigns, reach more customers and increase conversion rates. Our skilled team focuses on delivering promising results. If you looking to hire a reputed and reliable digital marketing company for your startup business, get in touch now. 


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